The return of Jesus Christ is one of the most popular discussions taking place in the world today. Rightfully so, since the signs of Christ’s return get more and more evident each day.
The return of The King should get believers excited! As we see the Day approaching, we should be filled with joy and peace. Our Groom is coming back for His Bride! This is our Blessed Hope! As the Apostle Paul says, we should be:
Titus 2:13
…looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sadly, because of bad doctrine, many believers are stressed out when it comes to this discussion. They wrongly believe they are preparing to go through The Great Tribulation. Many think, if there is a rapture, they may be left behind. They worry about having children, starting a new business venture, or whether or not they will have enough supplies to survive the upcoming apocalypse.
Our heart in producing this book is to help believers understand these exciting times we are living in. With a proper understanding of the covenants and the priesthoods, believers will have a strong foundation for rightly dividing the Word.
Sound doctrine will always produce the fruit of the Spirit for the child of God who has put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
So how close are we to the end of this age?
And as believers in Jesus, what should our posture be?
Let’s jump in and see what the Bible teaches about The Last Days, The Rapture and The End Times.
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