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Abound: Receiving Grace For Financial Freedom

For many folks, the topic of finances is a source of stress, confusion and frustration. For the believer in Jesus, this shouldn’t be. There are over 2,000 verses in the Bible that deal with money and possessions. The Lord wants each of us to have victory in every area of life, including the area of material wealth.

His Word brings light, and when we are walking in the light, we don’t stumble. The more light, the more victory.

So what does the Bible actually teach about money? And what is God’s heart for us when it comes to money?
In my study of Scripture, I have discovered what I call The Four Pillars of Financial Freedom.

I believe that when you, as a child of God, have these Four Pillars in place, you will be Abounding in the grace to walk in financial freedom. You will be free from the love of money and the worship of mammon. And you will be fulfilling your Divine Destiny in the Lord.

Are you ready to Abound and receive grace to walk in financial freedom for the glory of King Jesus?

Abound: Receiving Grace For Financial Freedom

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